
Warehouse for Rent in Tuek Laak 2

Price: $2,000/month, Bedroom: 1, Bathroom: 2, Land Size: 13.5m x 24m = 324sqm, Building Size: 13.5 m x 20 m = 210sqm,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Toul Kork, Tuek Laak 2

Agency: Sophy and Phanna

ID: 27412 | Date: November 30, 2015 | Contact Owner

#121 St. 160
Tel: 012 688 640/070 300 007
G: 11.562463, 104.892499
Contract: 3 years, Comm: 0.5
Posted: LIN

Warehouse for Rent and Sale in Boeng Tompun

Price: Rent: $1,600/month / Sale: $620,000, Land Size: 17m x 40m, Building Size: 16m x 38m , total: 600sqm,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Tompun, Mean Chey

Agency: Sophy

ID: 27291 | Date: November 27, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel: 012 87 68 11
#515C St. Thnot Chrum
G: 11.523098, 104.902089
100m from St.371
Contract: 2-3 years, Comm: 3%, 1 month
Posted: LIN

Warehouse for Rent in Boeng Tompun

Price: $600/month, Bathroom: 3, Building Size: 12m x 23m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Tompun, Mean Chey

Agency: Phanna and Sophy

ID: 27117 | Date: November 20, 2015 | Contact Owner

Add: No.522, St. 371
Contact : 012 495 680, 081 788 557, 016 741 471
Commission : Negotiate
Google : 11.525993, 104.901359
Posted: LIN

Warehouse for Rent and Sale in Toul Svayprey 1

Price: Rent: $3,500/month , Sale: $1,700,000, Bedroom: no, Bathroom: 2, Land Size: 17m x 25m, Building Size: 17m x 25m, Floor: E0,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Toul Svayprey 1

Agency: Sophy & Phanna

ID: 26839 | Date: November 19, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel: 012/015 722 922
next to #47 St.374
G: 11.549919, 104.907729
Contract: can talk, Comm: 2% & 1 month
Posted: LIN

Warehouse for Rent in Kakab – Phnom Penh

Price: $ 4,500 /month , Bedroom: 6, Bathroom: 5, Land Size: 3,800sqm, Building Size: 1,500sqm,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Kakab, Por Sen Chey

Agency: H.Lida

ID: 26827 | Date: November 19, 2015 | Contact Owner

• Contact: Mr Teo =092 333 030
• Address: Next to AngTingMing Pagoda, Near Bali Resort St 2004
• G: 11.548109, 104.861366
• Commission: 100%
Posted : LIN

Warehouse for Rent in Toul Svayprey 2 ( Rented )

Price: $1,500/month, Bedroom: 2, Bathroom: 2, Building Size: 7.1m x 20m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Toul Svayprey 2

Agency: Phanna and Sophy

ID: 26648 | Date: November 17, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact : 012 45 37 37
Google : 11.554998, 104.908444
Add: No. 102E0, St. 296
Commission : $200
Posted: LIN
Rented $1550/month ; contract 2 years ; ( 11-12-2015 ) update by Dany

Flat for Rent in Veal Vong ( Rented )

Price: $1200/month, Land Size: 7m x 25m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, 7Makara, Veal Vong

Agency: Lida and Sam

ID: 26627 | Date: November 16, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 012 940 528 / 097 58 90 678
G: 11.5659004,104.9075
Note: Rented 7years
she has warehouse at St 51 (Kompong Speu), Bsize: 6000sqm LSize:4000sqm, Price: $1.2sqm. Location: from N4 only 2km more ButdingMarket

Land and Market for Rent in PP Thmey – St 1986

Price: $3/sqm/month = $10,800/month, Land Size: 60m x 60m (3,600sqm), Building Size: 55m x 45m (2,475sqm), Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Thmey, Sen Sok

Agency: Lida

ID: 26585 | Date: November 16, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 066 8888 99/ 069 66 9999 (Mr.Ratana)
Com: 100% (consider)
Duration: 8years remaining current contract
G: 11.572845, 104.874379
Address: Bunna Plaza St 1986 infront of LimKokMing University
Posted: LIN

Warehouse for Rent in Stung Mean Chey – St. Chamka Dong

Price: $1,500/month, Land Size: 6m x 34m = 220sqm,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Mean Chey, Stung Mean Chey

Agency: Sophy & Phanna

ID: 26457 | Date: November 13, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel: 097 918 2727/737 8743
G: 11.530029, 104.886621
Contarct: can long
Comm: 1 month
Posted: LIN

Corner Flat and Warehouse for Rent in Olumpic

Price: $850/month, Land Size: 6m x 15m, Building Size: 6m x 15m, Floor: EO,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Olympic

Agency: Dorey

ID: 26290 | Date: November 12, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 012 -015 49 49 75
Commission: 3y=1month, 5y=1month
G: 11.554972, 104.914118
Posted: LIN

Warehouse for Rent in Boeng Tompun

Price: $6,000/month, Bedroom: 8, Bathroom: 10, Land Size: 30m x 80m (3,200sqm), Building Size: 2,200sqm,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Tompun, Mean Chey

Agency: Sophy

ID: 26205 | Date: November 10, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel: 015 999 889
500m from St. 371
G: 11.523583, 104.901781
Comm: 1 month
Posted: LIN

Warehouse for Rent in Phsar Depo 1

Price: $1,600/month, Land Size: 10m x 30m ,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Phsar Depo 1, Toul Kork

Agency: SAM

ID: 26195 | Date: November 10, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 017 737 726 / 098 736 730
St. 206 # 58A
Google map : 11.5605326,104.9043315
commission : 1month contract 5year
Posted: LIN