
Corner Flat for Rent in Toul Tumpong 1

Price: $ 1,500/month , Bedroom: 2, Bathroom: 2, Land Size: 8.5 m x 25 m, Building Size: 5m x 20m , Floor: E0 (+Mezzanine),

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Toul Tumpong 1

Agency: Lida

ID: 33636 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

• Contact : 012 76 77 71
• Address : TTP1 St155 ^ St 468 #590
• Google map : 11.537338, 104.915272
• Commission : 1/5 month
• Duration : talk
• Not for : Restaurant
Posted : LIN

Flat for Rent in Stung Mean Chey

Price: $180 /month, Bedroom: 2, Bathroom: 1, Building Size: 4m x 16m, Floor: E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Mean Chey, Stung Mean Chey

Agency: Lida&Sem

ID: 33628 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

Contact:011 683 447/011 956 672
Add:Sangkat Steung Mean Chhey
Com: Talk later
Duration: 2year
G:11.544457, 104.897172
Posted LIN

Flat for Rent in Toul Tumpong 1

Price: $800, Bedroom: 5, Bathroom: 7, Land Size: 4m x 21m, Building Size: 4m x 20m, Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Toul Tumpong 1

Agency: Lida and Sem

ID: 33623 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

Contact:012 761 778/088 8761 778
Add: #14/St.470
Com: 1 month
Duration: 1 year
G: 11.536850, 104.914967
Posted : LIN

Flat for Sale in New World Boeung Chhouk

Price: $64,000, Bedroom: 2, Bathroom: 3, Building Size: 4m x 16m, Floor: Eo,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Borey, New World Boeung Chhouk, Phnom Penh Thmey, Sen Sok

Agency: Dorey

ID: 33618 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

Cotact:069 960 190
Commission: 3%(original $63,000)
Add: N120 st 07
G:11.580294, 104.845431
Posted : LIN

Flat for Rent and Sale in New World Boeung Chhouk

Price: Rent:$350/month,Sale $90,000, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 5, Building Size: 4.2m x 16m, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Borey, New World Boeung Chhouk, Phnom Penh Thmey, Sen Sok

Agency: Dorey

ID: 33297 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

Contact:092 5 9999 0
Add:N114 st07
G:11.575903, 104.856566
posted : LIN

2 Flats for Rent and Sale in PH. The Star Eternal – St.Chamkardong

Price: Rent:$500/month,Sale $240,000, Bedroom: 12, Bathroom: 14, Building Size: 4.2m x 16m, Floor: E0-E1 & 1/2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Borey, Peng Huot The Star Eternal - St. Chamkardong

Agency: Dorey

ID: 33220 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

Contact:061 636366/087 322226
Add:N B06-07
G:11.511284, 104.890079
posted : LIN

Flat for Rent in Boeng Salang

Price: $750/month , Bedroom: 6, Bathroom: 8, Building Size: 4m x 17m, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Salang, Toul Kork

Agency: Dorey & Phanna

ID: 33597 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

Contact:010 713 286
Add:N2B, st 230
G:11.556944, 104.897400
Posted : LIN

Flat for Rent in Tuek Laak 2

Price: $1,200/month , Bedroom: 1, Bathroom: 1, Building Size: 6m x 30m, Floor: E0,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Toul Kork, Tuek Laak 2

Agency: Dorey & Phanna

ID: 33592 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

Contact:010 296 070/ 011 91 41 48
Add:N165 st 146
G:11.564773, 104.896482
Posted : LIN

Flat for Rent in Orussey 4 – St. Monivong

Price: $1,500/month (E0 price: $1,300/month), Bedroom: 2, Bathroom: 2, Building Size: 4.2m x 30m, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, 7Makara, Orussey 4, St. Monivong

Agency: Dorey & Phanna

ID: 33587 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

011 818 168 /016 816 168
Add:St Monivong
G:11.565249, 104.919106
Posted : LIN
Duration 4years

Flat for Rent in Toul Tumpong 1

Price: $500/month , Bedroom: 3, Bathroom: 2, Building Size: 7.5m x 24m , Floor: E0,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Toul Tumpong 1

Agency: Sophy and Chey

ID: 33582 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel: 011 950 197
G: 11.538151, 104.912934
Comm: Negotiated
Posted: LIN

House for Sale in Bueng Prolit

Price: $550,000, Land Size: 7m x 23m, Floor: E0,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, 7Makara, Boeng Prolit

Agency: Sophy and Chey

ID: 33566 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel: 011 306 028/093 961 991
G: 11.558386, 104.916650
Comm: ask latter
Posted: LIN

Flat for Rent in stueng Meanchey -St 271

Price: $700/month, Bedroom: 2, Bathroom: 2, Building Size: 4m x 16m, Floor: E0,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Mean Chey, St. 271

Agency: Dorey

ID: 33537 | Date: February 17, 2016 | Contact Owner

Contact:092 600 768
Commission: Think
Add: st 271
G:11.544420, 104.900798
Note* rented
Posted Nita