
Flat for Sale in Toul Tumpong 2

Price: $450,000, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 3, Land Size: 6m x 25m, Building Size: 4m x 16m, Floor: E0,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Toul Tumpong 2

Agency: Sophy and Chey

ID: 33239 | Date: February 16, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel: 012 45 46 47/077 96 69 69/097 518 222
#33A St.464
G: 11.537807, 104.913200
Comm: 2%
Posted: LIN

Flat for Sale in Toul Tumpong 2

Price: $170,000, Bedroom: 1, Bathroom: 2, Building Size: 4m x 12m, Floor: E0,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Toul Tumpong 2

Agency: Sophy and Chey

ID: 33228 | Date: February 16, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel: 012 310 483/011 600 976
G: 11.538370, 104.912953
Comm: 2%, Title by Khan
Posted : LIN

Flat Rent in Stung Mean Chey

Price: $ 1,200/month , Bedroom: 5, Bathroom: 5, Land Size: 7m x 26m , Building Size: 4.2m x 26m , Floor: Eo - E2 ,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Mean Chey, Stung Mean Chey

Agency: Sam And LIDA

ID: 33196 | Date: February 15, 2016 | Contact Owner

Te: 012 992 386 Called
St. 371
Google map : 11.521669, 104.903817
commission : 1month
Posted : LIN

Flat for Rent in Stung Mean Chey

Price: $ 1,500/month , Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 4, Land Size: 8m x 23m , Floor: Eo - E1 ,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Mean Chey, Stung Mean Chey

Agency: SAM & DA

ID: 33191 | Date: February 15, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel : 012 364 650 / 012 936 250
St. 371
google map : 11.520894, 104.906574
Commission : 1month
Called 16/06/16 Put banner
Posted : LIN

Flat Rent in Stung Mean Chey

Price: $ 1,500/month , Bedroom: 2, Bathroom: 2, Building Size: 12m x 32m , Floor: Eo,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Mean Chey, Stung Mean Chey

Agency: SAM & DA

ID: 33187 | Date: February 15, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel : 016 646 926 Called
St. 371
Google map : 11.523811, 104.921128
commission : Deposit 1year comm : 1month
Posted : LIN

House for Sale in Boeng Kak 2

Price: $2,000/sqm, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 5, Land Size: 12m x 25m, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 2, Toul Kork

Agency: Sophy and Chey

ID: 33158 | Date: February 15, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel: 016 256 632
G: 11.575946, 104.894823
Comm: 2%
Posted : LIN
called 17/02/16

House for Sale in Boeng Kak 2

Price: $560,000, Bedroom: 3, Bathroom: 4, Land Size: 11m x 27m, Building Size: 6m x 12m, Floor: E0,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 2, Toul Kork

Agency: Sophy and Chey

ID: 33152 | Date: February 15, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel: 012 97 11 12
G: 11.576012, 104.894163
Comm: 2%
Posted : LIN

House for Rent and Sale in Boeng Kak 2 ( Call No Answer )

Price: Sale: $1,200,000 / Rent: $2,500/month, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 5, Land Size: 20m x 27m = 540sqm, Building Size: 17m x 18m, Floor: E0,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 2, Toul Kork

Agency: Sophy and Chey

ID: 33141 | Date: February 15, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel: 012 75 95 73/097 55 66 924
G: 11.576245, 104.895155
Comm: 2% and 1 month, Contract 2 years
hard title
Posted : LIN
Updated on 17.08.17 ( Sey )
Call No Answer

House for Sale in Boeng Kak 1

Price: $2,000/sqm Total Price: $652,000 , Bedroom: 3, Bathroom: 1, Land Size: 16m x 20m = 326sqm, Building Size: 6.5m x 8.5m, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 1, Toul Kork

Agency: Sophy and Chey

ID: 33134 | Date: February 15, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel: 070 500 568 (son Mr. Dara)/096 800 5305(Dad Mr. U Heng)
G: 11.583882, 104.897772
Comm: 3%, hard title
Posted : LIN

2 Flats for Sale in Boeng Kak 1

Price: $780,000, Bedroom: 3, Bathroom: 4, Building Size: 8m x 20m, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 1, Toul Kork

Agency: Sophy and Chey

ID: 33129 | Date: February 15, 2016 | Contact Owner

Tel: 011 68 19 48
G: 11.584340, 104.895797
Comm: 1%
Posted : LIN

3 Flats for Sale in Kakab

Price: $809/ SQM , TOTAL PRICE : $68,000/flat , Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 4, Land Size: 4.2m x 20m , 84 sqm, Building Size: 64 sqm ,

Location: Kakab, Por Sen Chey


ID: 33047 | Date: February 13, 2016 | Contact Owner

CONTACT : 078 200 200/ 087 200 200
GOOGLE LOCATION:11°33'29.9"N 104°50'15.5"E
Posted: LIN

House For Sale in BKK1

Price: $800,000 ($5,555/sqm) , Bedroom: 6, Bathroom: 3, Land Size: 4.8m x 30m : 144sqm, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, BKK1, Chamkarmon

Agency: Le Jie and Sophy

ID: 33033 | Date: February 12, 2016 | Contact Owner

#30BE0, S.t288
G: 11.553742, 104.921918
Tel: 011 655 448 / 011 31 21 21
Commission: 3%
Title: Hard
Posted : LIN