
Flat for Sale in Teuk Laak 3

Price: $ 320,000, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 5, Building Size: 4.3m x 29m, Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Toul Kork, Tuek Laak 3

Agency: Vantha

ID: 18038 | Date: June 22, 2015 | Contact Owner

# 118, St. 192, Teuk la ak 3, TK
096 818 9999
G:11°33'38.1"N 104°53'33.1"E

House for Rent in BK2

Price: $5,000/month, Bathroom: 3, Land Size: 11m x 40m , Building Size: 10m x 25m , Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 2, Toul Kork

Agency: SereyNeath & sophy

ID: 18036 | Date: June 22, 2015 | Contact Owner

contact : B chom nam 012 816 869
G: 11.575677, 104.899626

Land and flats for Sale in Veal Vong

Price: $2,500/sqm Total: $1,181,250, Land Size: 520,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, 7Makara, Veal Vong

Agency: Lida Heng and Sam

ID: 18003 | Date: June 20, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 016 99 27 27 (Elder Brother), 088 30 30 555, 097 97 74 149
Google: 11.563847, 104.907780
Updated on 08.07.17 ( Pisey )
Old Size: 13.5m x 35m (472.5sqm)
Com: 2%

Flat for Rent in Phsar Thmey 3

Price: $1,500/month, Bedroom: 5, Bathroom: 3, Building Size: 5m x 30m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Daun Penh, Phsar Thmey 3

Agency: Pysoth

ID: 17951 | Date: June 18, 2015 | Contact Owner

google map: 11.565558, 104.925178
Contact: 096 5698 250

House and land for Sale in Toul SvayPrey1 on MaoTseTong Blvd

Price: $11,764/sqm Total Price: $2,100,000 ,Rent Price: $4,500/month, Land Size: 8.5m x 21m = 178.5sqm,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, St. Mao Tse Tong, Toul Svayprey 1

Agency: Lida and Sam

ID: 17698 | Date: June 16, 2015 | Contact Owner

contact: 016 23 37 71/ 078 62 21 01
Address: infront of AIS School
G: 11.547199, 104.908323
Tax: Client
Com: 50%
Duration: 5y
Key word: MaoTseTong Blvd
commission $3,000

Flat for Rent in BKK1 – St.310

Price: $1,500/month, Bedroom: 2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, BKK1, Chamkarmon

Agency: Vantha and Lida Seng

ID: 17690 | Date: June 14, 2015 | Contact Owner

G: 11.551457, 104.923656 St.310
012 451 844
Success Aug-2015 Contract 3 years

Flat for Rent in BKK2

Price: $1,200/month, Bathroom: 2, Building Size: 4.8m x 20m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, BKK2, Chamkarmon

Agency: Vantha and Lida Seng

ID: 17674 | Date: June 13, 2015 | Contact Owner

# 85AE0, St.360, BKK II
duration: 3 years Up
088 649 30 54
G: 11.547909 104.9172693 no commission

House for Rent in BKK2

Price: $1,500/month, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 5, Building Size: 6.5m x 23m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Trabek, Chamkarmon

Agency: Vantha and Lida seng

ID: 17670 | Date: June 13, 2015 | Contact Owner

012 559 995/098 975 985
#180, St.143, BKK II,
G:11.552716, 104.915994 Rented Aug-2015 contract

House for Rent in Boeng Trabek

Price: $4,000/month, Land Size: 12m x 30m, Building Size: 9m x 28m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Trabek, Chamkarmon, St. Monivong

Agency: Vantha and Lida Seng

ID: 17662 | Date: June 13, 2015 | Contact Owner

097 488 20 18
G: 11.533884, 104.923704

House for Rent in Boeng Trabek

Price: $13,000/month, Bedroom: 10, Land Size: 17m x 17m , Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Trabek, Chamkarmon

Agency: Vantha and Lida Seng

ID: 17658 | Date: June 13, 2015 | Contact Owner

contact: 017 865 907 / 088 96 96 018
Google. 11.534936, 104.923533

Corner Flat for Rent in TTP1

Price: $1,500/month, Building Size: 7m x 17m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Toul Tumpong 1

Agency: Phanna and Sam

ID: 17653 | Date: June 12, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 015 326 218
google maps 11.535560, 104.915510
St. 155 TTP1 Rented Aug-2015 contract

Flat for Rent in Teuk Laak 3

Price: $4,000, Bedroom: 8, Bathroom: 10 Aircon: 4, Building Size: 8m x 20 m ,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Toul Kork, Tuek Laak 3

Agency: Vantha

ID: 17635 | Date: June 12, 2015 | Contact Owner

# near TELA Station, St. Tep Phon, Teuk La ak III, TK
011 400 600/012 828 613
G:11.561454, 104.890584