
Flat for Sale in Ang Snoul

Price: $120,000, Building Size: 4m x 16m, Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 17. Kandal

Agency: Sambath and Phanna

ID: 16032 | Date: April 6, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 012 598 737 / 012 616 192
St. No 4 Bek Chan

2 Flat for Sale in Boeng Tumpun

Price: $200,000, Building Size: 8m x 21m, Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Tompun, Mean Chey

Agency: Sambath and Lida

ID: 16020 | Date: April 6, 2015 | Contact Owner

St .24BT boeng tompun
Tel: 012 873 547 / 017 352 003

Flat for Sale in Toul Sangke

Price: $180,000, Bedroom: 6, Building Size: 4m x 16m, Floor: E0-E3,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Russey Keo, Toul Sangke

Agency: Sambath and Lida

ID: 16017 | Date: April 6, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 012 548 773 011 957 088

Flat for Sale in Toul Sangke

Price: $200,000, Bedroom: 6, Building Size: 4m x 15m, Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Russey Keo, Toul Sangke

Agency: Sambath and Lida

ID: 16013 | Date: April 6, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 095 949 404

Flat for Sale in Toul Sangke

Price: $365,000, Bedroom: 5, Building Size: 7.5m x 17m, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Russey Keo, Toul Sangke

Agency: Sambath and Lida

ID: 16010 | Date: April 6, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 016 989 292 / 088 5557 333

Flat for Rent in Boeng Kak 1

Price: $500/month, Bedroom: 5, Building Size: 4m x 16m, Floor: E0-E3,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 1, Toul Kork

Agency: Sambath and Lida

ID: 15992 | Date: April 3, 2015 | Contact Owner

St.516 Rented
Tel: 017 793 131

2 Flat for Rent and Sale in Boeng Kak 1

Price: Rent: $2,500/month / Sale: $700,000, Building Size: 8m x 18m, Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 1, Toul Kork

Agency: Sambath and Lida

ID: 15989 | Date: April 3, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 012 595 787 / 011 720 330

Flat for Rent and Sale in Boeng Kak 1

Price: Rent: $1,500/month / Sale: $450,000, Building Size: 4m x 18m, Floor: E0-E3,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 1, Toul Kork

Agency: Sambath and Lida

ID: 15986 | Date: April 3, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel: 012 685 738
St.516 TK BK1

Flat for Sale in Toul Tumpoung 1

Price: $300,000, Bedroom: 6, Bathroom: 5, Building Size: 4m x 25m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Toul Tumpong 1

Agency: Lida and Koeun

ID: 15960 | Date: April 2, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 017 868 222
Address: #15 St. 456

2 Flats for Rent in Olympic

Price: $1,500/month, Building Size: E0: 8m x 25m / E1: 4m x 25m, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Olympic

Agency: Panna and Pysoth

ID: 15953 | Date: April 2, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact : 012 445 550
Google : 11.551763, 104.911843
Rented Aug-2015 contract

Flat for Sale in Boeng Trabek

Price: $370,000, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 5, Building Size: 4.2m x 21m, Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Trabek, Chamkarmon

Agency: Lida and Sambath

ID: 15946 | Date: April 2, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 070 6666 22
Address: In front Cheer st.99 #AA8

Flat for Rent in Phsar Chas

Price: $1,800/month, Bedroom: 3, Building Size: 4m x 20m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Daun Penh, Phsar Chas

Agency: Lida and Piseth

ID: 15943 | Date: April 2, 2015 | Contact Owner

Adress: St.118
Google: 11.571860, 104.925876
Contact: 012 885 255