
Villa for Rent in Boeng Kak 2

Price: $ 4,500/month , Bedroom: 7, Bathroom: 7, Land Size: 40m x 25m, Floor: Eo - E1 ,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 2, Toul Kork

Agency: SAM & Dorey

ID: 25829 | Date: November 5, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 012 894 567
St. 558 # 3-5 Bk1
Google map :11.580021, 104.903018
commission : 1month
put the banner
Posted : LIN

Villa for Rent in Boeng Kak 1

Price: $ 2,000/month , Bedroom: 10 , Bathroom: 09, Land Size: 20m x 25m, Building Size: 18m x 23m , Floor: Eo - E1 ,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 1, Toul Kork

Agency: SAM & dorey

ID: 25825 | Date: November 5, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 012 768 745 / 012 980 656
St. 548 # 4
Google map :11.579816, 104.898033
commission :1 month
Posted: LIN
Rented on 26.04.16

Villa for Rent in Boeng Kak 2

Price: $4,000 /month, Bedroom: 14, Bathroom: 15, Land Size: 20m x 30m, Building Size: 16m x 16m, Floor: E0 - E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 2, Toul Kork

Agency: Dorey & Sam

ID: 25814 | Date: November 4, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 012 950 004
Commission: 1month
Add: 319
G :11.5745129,104.889028
Posted: LIN

Villa for Rent in RusseyKeo – St. Chea Sophara

Price: $1,000/month, Bedroom: 2, Bathroom: 2, Land Size: 20m x 30m, Building Size: 12m x 12m, Floor: E0 - E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Russey Keo, Russey Keo, St. Chea Sophara

Agency: Dorey & Sam

ID: 25808 | Date: November 4, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 012 945 148/ 090 58 61 16
Commission: 1/2 month
G:11.612624, 104.898305
Posted: LIN

Villa for Rent in Toul Tumpong 2

Price: $2,800/month, Bedroom: 7, Bathroom: 8, Land Size: 16m x 25m, Building Size: 14m x 20m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, Toul Tumpong 2

Agency: Sophy & Sem

ID: 25787 | Date: November 4, 2015 | Contact Owner

#25 St. 470
G: 11.536721, 104.913586
Contract: 4 years, Comm: 1 month
Posted: LIN

Villa for Rent in Bkk1

Price: $ 3,500/month, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 5, Land Size: 18m x 34m , Floor: Eo - E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, BKK1, Chamkarmon

Agency: SAM & Phy

ID: 25778 | Date: November 4, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 098 207 518
St. 334 # 54
Google map :11.549804, 104.922221
Commission : 1month ( paid 1year )
Posted: LIN
contract 15 month

Villa for Rent in BKK1

Price: $ 1,800/month , Bedroom: 3, Bathroom: 3, Land Size: 396Sqm, Floor: Eo ,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, BKK1, Chamkarmon

Agency: SAM & Phy

ID: 25774 | Date: November 4, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 092 185 949
St. 302 # 49
Google mpa :11.552616, 104.922773
Commission : 1month
only for office and living
Posted: LIN

Villa for Rent in BKK1

Price: $ 3,000/month, Land Size: 9.5m x 29m , Floor: Eo ,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, BKK1, Chamkarmon

Agency: SAM & Phy

ID: 25770 | Date: November 4, 2015 | Contact Owner

Tel : 016 4 6666 4
St. 288 # 29B
Google map :11.554130, 104.924356
Commission : 1month
Posted: LIN

Corner Villa for Rent and Sale in Vimean PP – St. Chea Sophara

Price: Rent $2,700/month have Equipment, Rent $2,000/month Equipment, Sale $500,000, Bedroom: 5, Bathroom: 7, Land Size: 17.5m x 30m, Building Size: 10.5m x 22m, Floor: E0 - E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Borey, Chrang Chomres 1, Russey Keo, St. Chea Sophara, Vimean PP St. Chea Sophara

Agency: Phanna & Sem

ID: 25728 | Date: November 4, 2015 | Contact Owner

Address : No. 48A, St. 348 - Sangkat Chrang Chamreh 1
Contact : 017 988 388
Commission : Rent up 2 years 1 month / Sale : 3%
Google Map : 11.631344, 104.880503
Posted: LIN
update rent 2,100 no equitpment ,rent 3 y above and deposit 4 months of commision 1 month. Sale 495,000 ,mark up 505,000 cos no com for us 18/11/15

Villa for Rent in Vimean PP – St. Chea Sophara

Price: $1,000/month, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 5, Land Size: 7m x 20m, Building Size: 6m x 12m, Floor: E0 - E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Borey, Chrang Chomres 1, Russey Keo, St. Chea Sophara, Vimean PP St. Chea Sophara

Agency: Phanna & Sem

ID: 25719 | Date: November 4, 2015 | Contact Owner

Address : No. 23L, St. 209B - Sangkat Chrang Chamreh 1
Contact : 016 907 555
Commission : 1/2month
Google Map : 11.629594, 104.876078
Posted: LIN
Posted in website

Villa for Sale in Vimean PP St. Chea Sophara

Price: $205,000, Land Size: 7m x 20m ,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Borey, Chrang Chomres 1, Russey Keo, St. Chea Sophara, Vimean PP St. Chea Sophara

Agency: Phanna & Sem

ID: 25716 | Date: November 4, 2015 | Contact Owner

Address : No. 17H and 19H, St. 396B - Sangkat Chrang Chamreh 1
Contact : 017 662 430 / 078 203 724
Commission : 3%
Google Map : 11.629856, 104.876203
Posted: LIN

Villa for Sale in VMPP – St. Cheasophara

Price: $185,000, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 5, Land Size: 7m x 20m , Building Size: 6m x 12m, Floor: E0 - E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Borey, Chrang Chomres 1, Russey Keo, St. Chea Sophara, Vimean PP St. Chea Sophara

Agency: Phanna & Sem

ID: 25711 | Date: November 4, 2015 | Contact Owner

Address : No. 7H, St. 396B - Sangkat Chrang Chamreh 1
Contact : 017 662 430 / 078 203 724
Commission : 3%
Google Map : 11.629955, 104.876348
Posted: LIN