
Villa for Rent in Boeng Trabaek

Price: $3,000/month, Bedroom: 9, Bathroom: 9, Land Size: 15m x 20m, Building Size: 12m x 14m, Floor: E0-E3, Parking: 4-7,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Trabek, Chamkarmon

Agency: Phanna and Simheng

ID: 21891 | Date: August 18, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact:012 392 239, 010 782 456
Contract: 3-5 years
Commission:1/2 month
Add: No.26, St.420
G:11.542767, 104.918224
Agent: Phanna & Simheng

Villa for Sale in Phnom Penh Thmey

Price: $550,000, Bedroom: 18, Bathroom: 18, Land Size: 622sqm, Building Size: 408sqm, Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Thmey, Sen Sok

Agency: Phanna & Dorey

ID: 21844 | Date: August 17, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 010 300 395
Add: St. Wat Samrong Andeth
Google : 11.585193, 104.867970

Villa for Rent in PhnomPenh Thmey

Price: $2,000/month, Bedroom: 4 ( 1 Living Room ), Bathroom: 4, Land Size: 25m x 60m, Building Size: 17m x 8m , Floor: Eo,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Thmey, Sen Sok

Agency: Phanna and Dorey

ID: 21823 | Date: August 17, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 012 877 172
Contract: 3 - 5 years
kicken :1
Google : 11.568794,104.867376

Villa for Sale in PhnomPenh Thmey

Price: $680,000/sqm, Bedroom: 4, Bathroom: 4, Land Size: 16m x 60m, Building Size: 9m x 9m, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Thmey, Sen Sok

Agency: Phanna and Dorey

ID: 21814 | Date: August 17, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 012 911 702
Commision: 3%
Google : 11.569401,104.869820

2 Flats for Rent in Boeung Prolit

Price: Rent : $2,000/month ;Sale : $750,000 ( Original $700,000 ), Bedroom: 7, Bathroom: 7, Land Size: 8.5m x 25m, Building Size: 8m x 18m, Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, 7Makara, Boeng Prolit

Agency: SAM & Vantha

ID: 21800 | Date: August 17, 2015 | Contact Owner

TEL : 085 654 136 St. 232 #15B
google map : 11.558244, 104.917913
commison : rent : 1month ; sale : 2% mark up 1%
up date by Dany ( 07-12-2015 )

Villa for Rent and Sale in Phsar Depo 2

Price: Rent : $4,500/month or Sale : $1,300,000, Bedroom: 15, Bathroom: 15, Land Size: 13.5m x 26.5m, Floor: Eo-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Phsar Depo 2, Toul Kork

Agency: Vichhay

ID: 21790 | Date: August 17, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact : 012 599 555 B Sroun
Add : #13, St.150 ( Sophy & Neath )
G:11.565362, 104.907446
Com : Sale 3%, R :1 month
( Only Foreigner Client ) Hard tittle deed
Updated 08.08.17(Sey)
Old Com: 2%

Villa for Rent and Sale in Chak Tomuk

Price: Rent : $4,200/month or Sale : $4,900,000 ( $5,000/sqm ), Bedroom: 3, Bathroom: 3, Land Size: 30.6m x 32m = 980sqm, Building Size: 12m x 18m, Floor: Eo,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chak Tomuk, Daun Penh

Agency: Vantha and Dorey

ID: 21780 | Date: August 17, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact:012 303 388/ 081 282 555
Add:#7, St 254, Chamktumuk,Duan Penh
G:11.557897, 104.926540
Updated on 27.07.17 (Pisey)
Old Price: 4,704,000 ($4,800/sqm)
Com: 2%

Villa for Sale in Boeng Prolit

Price: $1,500,000, Land Size: 14m x 20m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, 7Makara, Boeng Prolit

Agency: Vantha and Simheng

ID: 21777 | Date: August 17, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 098 980 338, 088 2662 999
Commission: 1%
Add: No.68 , St.115^242
G:11.557119, 104.916811
Updated on 10.07.17 ( Pisey )

Nice Villa for Rent in Chak Tomuk

Price: $ 3,000/month, Bedroom: 3 and Space ( Ground Floor), Bathroom: 4, Land Size: 14m x 30m, Building Size: 10m x 14m, Floor: Eo-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Chak Tomuk, Daun Penh

Agency: Vantha and Simheng

ID: 21754 | Date: August 17, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact : 012 53 54 57/077 886588
#27B, St.240, CTM, DP
G:11.558852, 104.924691
Contract: 2-3 years
Commi : 1 month (2 year up)
rented 5y update 06.12.15 (Nita) ,informed by Dorey

Corner Twin Villa for Sale in Peng Huot – Niroth

Price: $340,000, Bedroom: 4 (and 1 Small bedroom for car driver), Bathroom: 7, Land Size: 9.5m x 22m, Building Size: 6m x 14m, Floor: E0-E2,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, 2. National Road 1, Borey, Chbar Ompov, Niroth, Peng Huot N1

Agency: Sophy

ID: 21140 | Date: August 15, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contact: 012 812 022
#02 St.P-07 Borey PH Plan1
Air-con 5

Villa for Rent in Boeng Kak 1

Price: $1,500/month, Land Size: 20m x 30m, Building Size: 12m x 16m, Floor: E0-E1,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Boeng Kak 1, Toul Kork

Agency: Vantha and Sam

ID: 21737 | Date: August 14, 2015 | Contact Owner

011 906 812/ 012 736999
#22, St.542, BK I, TK
G: 11.582432, 104.893513
Contract: 3 years up
Com : 1month
Office is better
Rented on 26.04.16
contract 5Y

Villa for Rent in Tuek Laak 1

Price: $1,500/month, Bedroom: 6, Bathroom: 7, Land Size: 11m x 15m, Building Size: 9m x 11m,

Location: 1. Phnom Penh, Toul Kork, Tuek Laak 1

Agency: Lida Heng & Simheng

ID: 21675 | Date: August 13, 2015 | Contact Owner

Contract: 2 years above
Contact: 085 688 887, 011 956 929
Commission: 1 month
Add: No.254, St.138
G: 11.564901, 104.892562
Note: only for living